Stacy Keibler Fam Forum

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Stacy Keibler Fam Forum

A forum for Stacy Keibler fam (fans) & supporters

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    Stacy's days in wrestling as a bad girl


    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2021-12-26

    Stacy's days in wrestling as a bad girl Empty Stacy's days in wrestling as a bad girl

    Post by snakesonaplane Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:49 am

    What did everyone think of Stacy as a villain/heel during her time in WCW and 2001-2002 in WWE? What did you think of her actions and personality during this time and just general thoughts on her as a heel.

    Here is a page from Female Villains that covers just her heel moments:


    Posts : 108
    Join date : 2021-12-18

    Stacy's days in wrestling as a bad girl Empty Re: Stacy's days in wrestling as a bad girl

    Post by danielmann861 Sat Feb 26, 2022 1:09 am

    As I mentioned in the Youtube thread. I always preferred heel Stacy. By far. Babyface Stacy was sweet as well. Babyface Stacy was the sweet angelic princess/damsel in distress, but heel Stacy was in charge. The heel persona on her took someone who is already ridiculously hot and made her ten times hotter.

    Unlike Torrie, who I thought was just a naturally very sweet person, Keibler pulled off the bitch role with ease. Which is funny because everything I heard paints her as an incredibly sweet and nice person in real life. But yeah, I thought she had the condescending bitch role down so well back in the day.

    I've always said that they missed the boat not putting her with a cocky young heel and letting them have the Francine/Shane Douglas type pairing. Hell, even in WCW in 2000, I thought she would have been better suited as Douglas' head cheerleader.

    But yeah, long and short of it. I loved her heel run. Made her 10 times hotter than she already was and I thought she pulled off the condescending bitch role with ease.

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2021-12-26

    Stacy's days in wrestling as a bad girl Empty Re: Stacy's days in wrestling as a bad girl

    Post by snakesonaplane Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:16 am

    I agree she pulled off the face part well too, but like you I preferred as a heel, it just made her hotter as it does for a lot of the women who do it.

    WCW seemed to think differently about Torrie since I think she was a heel the vast majority of her time there. WWE didn't have her as a heel too much, but I still liked her as one because of the whole hotter as a heel thing, even if she might not have been as good at it as some.

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